Growing up Catholic in Lexington, KY was a great experience. My family was active in our local parish. And I was always challenged to be a disciple of Christ. When I went to college, something was different. I felt challenged in my faith like never before. I spent my first half of college living a non-virtuous lifestyle and struggling to understand my place. I was unhappy, unfulfilled, and unfaithful. After invitations to attend the Catholic center, the FOCUS missionaries at my campus greeted me with love and support. By the grace of God, the missionaries in FOCUS helped me to recover my faith and be more active than ever before. They showed me the way to a life of divine intimacy, authentic friendship, and an increasing understanding of the Catholic faith. I attended formation, went to daily masses, and went on a mission trip. When an abrupt opportunity for me to join FOCUS arose, I felt called. God completely transformed my life through my experiences with FOCUS. And I hope to be a vessel for God to continue restoring faith in collegiate Catholics.